Monday, August 24, 2020
The Eyes Have It Essay Example For Students
The Eyes Have It Essay The Eyes Have It is a book of experience. While understanding it, I got thesense that before it was composed into a book, it was a Role Playing Game,and the Games Master had played the experience, enjoyed how his players hadconducted the experience, and composed it into a book. Along these lines it relatesto my theme intensely, as it IS a Role Playing Game. In another manner itdoesnt identify with RPGs at all since its a book, and not a game. Yet, itrelates to my theme in one unadulterated sense its an undertaking. All RPGs areadventures. We will compose a custom article on The Eyes Have It explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now The story starts as one Askar-Ben-Oba, child of the head of the WolfNomads, must go through a landmass to wed his promised, one MariaGriswalda. Askar wouldn't like to wed Maria, yet he should. His tribe,the Wolf Nomads, was before a glad and upbeat race. They battled numerousbattles and won the fights and furthermore the dread and regard of their partners. In any case, after some time, they had mollified. The Spider Queen, an undead creature,had the arrangement to assume control over the entirety of the Yeomanry. The Yeomanry is the place thestory happens, and is an immense mainland where various races andcultures live (like Asia and Africa set up with certain outsiders and snowthrown in.) the Spider Queen had the thought of obliterating this great forher own, and transforming it into her dark space. She did. She threw aspell which made an enormous dark air pocket. It spread like a plague and developed forleagues toward each path. Anything that entered this air pocket never cameout. The Spider Queen tossed her min orcs, evil presences, kobolds, and so on into thisbubble to loot and obliterate. This she did effectively. In any case, one individual would not bring this plunking down. While the WoldNomads, who were far away and excessively far to truly get the impacts of thisbubble, rested their backside and became habitual slouches, one KathrynFern-Cliffe, little girl of King Buncombe the Green. Kathryn had the will andthe need to pulverize the Spider Queen. This she did, with the assistance of amagical pearl, the Eye of Tiros. Kathryn utilized the enchantment power inside the eyeto crush the Spider Queen. When she was decimated, life became typical inthe Yeomanry. Kathryn likewise had the activity of remaking the demolition of theSpider Queen. Yet, while the Wolf Nomads were breaking down, and Kathryn rebuilding,Kranoch, a ruler of an area in the Yeomanry, was plotting vengeance onKathryn. Her dad had blinded Kranoch by a bolt while on an assaultraid, and Kranoch needed vengeance. Kranoch accumulated his militaries and the extra followers of the Spider Queen, and made a military incredible enough todestroy Kathryn and her locale of Sterich. Kranoch additionally needed the Eye ofTiros, the enchanted pearl, which he thought would fix his visual deficiency. Withthis as his fundamental main impetus, he went out of control. Back to the Wolf Nomads for a second. The Wolf Nomads were quicklydeteriorating. Askar-Ben-Oba, the child of the boss, was to wed MariaGriswalda, the girl of a rich Nomad who had gone to Sterich and madea fortune. Marias sizeable settlement was gravely expected to subsidize the Wolf Nomadsin their every day lives and to revamp themselves into the ground-breaking clan theyonce were. The story all meets up as Askar sets out on his excursion toSterich to wed Maria. On his excursion, the Eye of Tiros is taken, and heis surrounded as the hoodlum when he sits in a shabby bar. The bar supporters foundAskar as the trick and surrounded him with the wrongdoing. Askar is punished,searched, and discovered blameless. In any case, he doesn't pull off the theftcleanly, as he is as yet the prime suspect. Askar gets an iron neckline fitaround his neck, with an enchantment spell on it. The spell makes the collararound his neck contract a little consistently, so in the long run it will stranglehim. His solitary departure is to discover the Eye of Tiros so the neckline can beremoved. .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .postImageUrl , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .focused content zone { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:hover , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:visited , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:active { border:0!important; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:active , .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:hover { mistiness: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-adornment: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3 b061e75 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ueb26510b94db5c90e2d9660d3b061e75:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Close assessment of a while later By Thomas Hardy Essay Askar realizes his best way to endure is by finding the Eye. This hesets out to do. In any case, during his journey, he gets caught via Sea Pirates,meets up with a diminutive person with a flying boat, and in the long run comes to Kathryn inher mission to discover the Eye of Tiros. The Eye is needed by Kathryn, Askar, and Kranoch, yet by thegold monsters too. The Eye is the main thing that keeps them alive. TheEye was made particularly for them, as produced by monsters. Its enchantment isthe fuel by which the monsters live by. Also, they need it back. As in an ordinary RPG, the story goes to a peak when each of the four of themajor characters in the story, Askar, Kathryn, Kranoch, and the pioneer ofthe gold mythical serpents, Buelath, all conflict in battle. The immense fight is foughtin the core of the Yeomanry. Askar has helped Kathryn and furthermore fallen inlove with her. At this point the iron neckline has been expelled, as Askar helpedKathryn rout an immense Medusa and free the sewers of a detestable mammoth. ButKranoch is still dead set on getting the Eye to fix his visual deficiency andkill Kathryn. Also, the winged serpents of recovering their life blood. The dragonsare gradually ceasing to exist, much like the Wolf Nomads. The peak arrives at its tallness when every one of the three of the major charactersbattle. Kranoch has pursued extraordinary war by obliterating the greater part of theYeomanrys powers, and is prepared for the murder. The monsters need their gemand their capacity is unequaled. Kathryn and Askar have the jewel (it wasretrieved by Askar) and they have utilized it to obstruct some of Kranochsplans. In the fight, Kranoch is crushed when his head administrator betrayshis lord by needing the jewel for his own. The Prime Minister, Alamkamala,kills Kranoch trying to recover the jewel. This he does, and he getsthe pearl, however he himself is decimated when the winged serpents assault. The diamond islost in the fight however the powers of the Yeomanry, drove by Askar, get thegem. Kathryn drives a last haggling meeting with the winged serpents. The dragonswant just the jewel. Kathryn offers it to them, yet the mythical beasts likewise thinkthat the Yeomanry isn't swamp enough for the them two. Askar negotiatesthat since the people helped the mythical serpents recover their life blood, thatthey should live respectively in amicability. The mythical beasts concur. Along these lines, after theclimax, the main individuals left are the mythical serpents, who are content that theyhave gotten their jewel, and the Yeomanry, drove by Kathryn and Askar. The plot slows down when Askar, who despite everything needs to go wed MariaGriswalda, satisfies his guarantee. However, it is amusing to see that when hereaches Sterich and the home of Maria, that she had just hitched and ispregnant. Askar had been considered dead, since he took such a long time. Askar,still upset that he needed to wed Maria, follows his heart and marriesKathryn. The story finishes in the typical experience way, with no epilogueand leaving the peruser in obscurity about the Wolf Nomads and Askars past. In any case, this would be the ideal story for another experience. The story identifies with my theme in light of the fact that the two are actually similar. They share a similar base, experience. In a RPG, the individuals pretend in anadventure. In the story, the equivalent is practiced, when the peruser readsthe experience. In this way, whenever you get a book and think how boring,just a lousy experience consider how you may in reality live it in arole playing game.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Before the flowering of the classic Greek architectural there were two important periods of development in building that had come before Essay Example For Students
Before the blooming of the great Greek compositional there were two significant times of advancement in building that had preceded Essay Before the blooming of the exemplary Greek design style in the terrain there were two significant times of improvement in building that had preceded. The Minoan c. 2600㠢â⠬ââ¬Å"1100 BCE and Mycenaean c. 2800㠢â⠬ââ¬Å"1100 B. C. E. developments succeeded in the island of Crete and in terrain Greece for near 2,000 years. A considerable lot of their achievements in craftsmanship and engineering were obscure to the Greeks of the seventh and 6th hundreds of years BCE yet some memory of their achievements was protected in folklore and epic verse, for example, the Iliad and the Odyssey of Homer, and some archeological hints of their structures endure. The Minoans are known by the advanced name given to them coming about because of the legendary lord Minos who was said to have an incredible castle at Knossos in Crete. The Palace of Knossos is a phenomenal portrayal of Minoan engineering. The Mycenaean people groups, named after Mycenae, the most noticeable city on terrain Greece as of now, were driven by another demeanor toward engineering and building. The Mycenaeans were a commanding society and before long extended from the terrain of Greece into the Greek isles. They started constructing smaller fortifications and strongholds ensured by enormous dividers rather than huge broad royal residence edifices. A genuine case of this compositional advancement can be found at the fortification at Tiryns. The primary contrast between these building structures is the geology. Minoans, which where situated on an island, gave some safeguard against trespassers and raiders so the specialty of stronghold and fortification structure was not particularly evolved. Albeit the two societies had their motivation for why they structure what they plan. The most observable similitudes in these two plans are their mind boggling passages. Both human progress utilized complex obstructions that restricted the intensity of the intruders assaulting the royal residence. The Palace of Knossos building were plan in a labyrinth like while over at Tiryns there was a long moving toward incline that power the foes to uncover there unshielded selfs to the safeguards.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
The Colon Messenger at the Court of the King
The Colon Messenger at the Court of the King The colon (:) is one of my favourite forms of punctuation in the English language. In a sense, this is because it always serves as a threshold or introduction to information that complements the previous sentence. It also acts as a convenient bridge to bulleted items, quotation marks, and small but relevant details that expand or amplify the content of the previous sentence. It is important to remember that, formally, you should use colons only after complete sentences; furthermore, the colon is always substitutable by the words namely, or that is; so, if namely or that is fits perfectly at the end of the first part of your sentence, so will the colon. It is important to remember that the colon is a pause before introducing more elements relating to the previous sentence. Let us take an example. You want to describe your experience skydiving today, so you write,I felt so many emotions while plummeting to earth from the wing strut of an airplane today.That is a sentence on its own, bu t if you want to elaborate, you write,I experienced so many sensations when I was plummeting to earth from the wing strut of an airplane today: exhilaration, fear, and absolute wonder.In this case, the colon lays out the red carpet for more information about skydiving. And notice that the colon can be substituted by the word namely. Of course, the colon would not work if your sentence was incomplete; for instance,When I am plummeting to earth from the wing strut of an airplane:That is not a sentence, so Mr. Colon has no right to be there!Introducing the next visitorIn the book, Punctuate It Right (which I discovered while reading Grammar Girl), the author calls the colon a mark of expectation. I regard it as the messenger of the Kings court, blowing his trumpet as a signal announcing the arrival of an important visitor. Although those visitors might only be a basket of groceries or camping accessories, their introduction is important and, in the context of the colon, neat and presen table.I bought some interesting things for my trip to the bush today: a lion-proof tent, some sedatives, and a satellite phone in case we are surrounded by elephants and need to be evacuated by helicopter.Notice again, that you can substitute namely for the colon.To cap or not to capA common confusion that results from the use of the colon is when to capitalize the first word following a colon and when not to. When a single independent clause follows a sentence, you dont need to capitalize the first word following the colon (unless it is a Proper noun). For example,I experienced many sensations plummeting to earth without a parachute today: loathing, fear, dread, and panic.However, when you use two or more sentences after a colon you would capitalize the first letter of the first words starting each sentence. For example,Three thoughts went through my mind as I was plummeting to earth without a parachute today: First, what is my family going to do without me? Second, what will I loo k like when I hit the ground? Third, why did I take up parachuting in the first place?Emphasizing a pointAn understated attribute of the colon is its usefulness in adding emphasis to a point made in the opening sentence. This is illustrated by the following sentences, where the second part of each sentence is clearly the one that needs emphasis.If you are scuba diving 40 meters under the ocean and you start panicking, it is essential to remember three things: stop, breathe, and look around.The doctor was clear in his message about his patients obesity: if you continue overeating, you will die.Colons and quotationsColons are also very useful as precursors to quotations. When introducing a quotation, such as He said, She stated, or The Minster intoned the common practice in US English is to use a comma. For example,He said, I am going to Starbucks today,She said, I discovered an archaeological ruin today.However, a colon can be used when preceded by an independent clause, one that ser ves as a sentence on its own. For example, the first part of the following sentence is an independent clause, so a colon would follow it.Responding to the judges question in court, the accused stammered: I dont remember, MLord.However, if the sentence was transposed and started with a quotation then the quotation would always be closed with a comma, for example,I dont remember, the accused stammered,Colons and listsColons are also popular in introducing vertical lists or bulleted items. A typical example would be the following:The research article made three important findings regarding risk factors facing the US population:Heart disease kills about 610,000 people every yearCancer claims the lives of 592,000 Americans every year; andLower respiratory disease claims 147,000 American lives annuallyIt is important to remember that a colon should always follow text introducing bulleted or otherwise listed items. There has been much discussion around whether to capitalize bulleted items after a colon. The rule of thumb is this: If the text following the bullet forms a complete sentence, it should begin with a capital letter; lowercase can be used if it does not, but often this rule is flexible according to the author or relevant style books preference. Technically, a period should be placed at the end of a bulleted phrase or sentence, but this rule is flexible and is also at the authors discretion. When using bullets in association with colons, the bulleted items should ideally be kept short for more impact and easy reading. Elaboration of such bulleted items can be made in subsequent paragraphs.Spacing after colonsA question often asked in using colons is the number of spaces that should be placed after a colon. The short answer is one. In the days of typewriters, two spaces were used, but now one is standard around the world.DashesSome writers seem to prefer using dashes instead of colons. For example,The skier recorded the fastest time in the eventâ"25 minutes and three seconds.A colon can just as easily be used in this context, and often the authors personal choice wins the day here. However, it is important to remember that a colon can never be used to introduce a phrase unrelated to the first part of the sentence. For example,Mrs. Jones brought a long list of items at Walmart: thinking of the housework.That, of course would have to be,Mrs. Jones brought a long list of items at Walmart: oranges, pears, lentils, rice, potatoes, and assorted cookware. Afterwards she went home.In the first sentence, the second independent clause is not related to the first; in the second example, it is.Multiple other uses of the colonColons also serve an important role in the English language as separators in references and book titles, in the use of times, and to separate main titles from subsidiary titles. Here are a few book titles examples:On the Campaign Trail: A politicians personal odyssey to the White House.Hatha Yoga: A handbook for personal chang e.Colons are also used in bibliographies and references to separate cities and publishers. They are also used in ratios, particularly mathematical ratios, in model building, and in equations, where they are often used to denote a ratio, such as 10:1 (ten to one). The colon is also often used in business letter addresses, and, in US English, to separate hours and minutes.Abbreviated listsWhile the general rule is to use a colon only after a sentence, there is flexibility in the sense that people using abbreviated lists may use a colon after just one or two words. For instance, in an agenda for a business meeting, a colon may be used after the time and a single/double word description. For example,9 am: Introductory speech: State of the Economy10 am: Discussion: History and Future Trends11 am: Closing speech: Acknowledging hosts.In the above example, the colon facilitates the brevity of the meetings format and serves as a perfect bridge between the time, the subject (not a full senten ce), and the following phrase. Similarly, to accentuate items on an itinerary, a travel organizer may write:Monday, October 10: Beijing; Tuesday October 11: New Delhi; Wednesday, October 12, New York.Essential rulesSome useful rules to follow when using colons are: Do not use a list following a verb or preposition. For example, you would not say,I can play: the flute, the guitar, and bagpipes.You would rather say,I can play the flute, the guitar, and bagpipes.Some people make the mistake of using a colon after a preposition. A typical example would be,The dinner consisted of: a main course and a dessert.Rather, you would say,The dinner consisted of a main course and dessert.Another important rule is never to use a colon after the words include, including, or included. For example, you would not write:The flowers I saw during my walk today included: hyacinths, roses, and poppies.Instead, you would say,The flowers I saw during my walk today included hyacinths, roses, and poppies.Anoth er important rule to consider is that a colon may be used instead of a semicolon to separate two independent clauses, when both clauses are sentences in their own right. For example,The law is very clear on this matter: throw stones at your neighbors greenhouse, and you will go to jail.Some purists argue that when the second clause forms a sentence, then the first letter of that sentence should be capitalized⦠e.g., Throw stones⦠However, there is flexibility in the English language and whether to capitalize depends on the authors preference (mine would be lower case). Another rule is that if a quote is followed by two or more sentences, a colon would be preferable. For example,The tycoon said: Work until you can work no more. Focus on the goals you wish to achieve. Be honest at all times.In academic writing, a colon is often used to introduce long tracts of information or long quotations. In these instances, the text following the colon is usually indented half an inch on the l eft and right margins. Heres an example:Dylan Thomas, the author of Under Milkwood, started his book with the following paragraph:To begin at the beginning:It is Spring, moonless night in the small town, starless and bible-black, the cobblestreets silent and the hunched, courters-and- rabbits wood limping invisible down to the sloeblack, slow, black, crowblack, fishingboat-bobbing sea. The houses are blind as moles (though moles see fine to-night in the snouting, velvet dingles) or blind as Captain Cat there in the muffled middle by the pump and the town clock, the shops in mourning, the Welfare Hall in widows weeds. And all the people of the lulled and dumbfound town are sleeping now.To summarise, the colon is an excellent bridge-building punctuation mark that serves both as a threshold to further elaboration of ideas or as a door that offers an opening to quotation marks, lists, bulleted items, ratios, and references. It is easy to use and works to simplify even the most complex p resentations or dissertations into incisive, easy-to-read prose.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Compare and Contrast Oranges by Gary Soto and Oranges by Ronald Wallace Free Essay Example, 1000 words
One can notice the alacrity of the fishermen and the progression of day. ââ¬ËThe sun ripens in the sky. The wind turns thin and citrus, The day precise, fragile. ââ¬â¢(Wallace, 116) Both the poems are about a sojourn- a lover makes for his girlfriend. Soto has described the outer journey of two souls in love. The two poems are different in a way because Sotoââ¬â¢s poem is about a first time love; while that of Wallace is mature love, which culminates in sex. Sotoââ¬â¢s sojourn is longer than Wallace and it takes place in two segments: first, he goes to his girl friendââ¬â¢s house; then takes her out to buy chocolate; and then they further walk two blocks while she eats chocolate and he peels his orange. He is constantly aware of the passion and desire of love raging in his heart. ââ¬ËSomeone might have thought I was making a fire with my hands. ââ¬â¢(Soto, 74) The setting of both the poems is different. Though both are written against the backdrop of a very cold season; Wallaceââ¬â¢s poem is set around a lake, while that of Sotoââ¬â¢s poem revolves around a residential area with a drug store, parking lot, line of planted trees, and roads. Soto narrates his perspective by using a lot of body language of the characters and observation of the poet himself. We will write a custom essay sample on Compare and Contrast Oranges by Gary Soto and Oranges by Ronald Wallace or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page
Friday, May 8, 2020
Report On Ike International Business School - 3309 Words
Anglia Ruskin University LORD ASHCROFT INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL REPORT ON IKEA IN CHINA Contents 1. Introduction 2 ïÆ'Ë History 2 ïÆ'Ë Store 3 ïÆ'Ë Resources and capabilities of IKEA 3 ïÆ'Ë Mission 3 ïÆ'Ë Vision 3 ïÆ'Ë Product range 4 ïÆ'Ë Market segmentation 4 ïÆ'Ë Goal of IKEA in China 4 ïÆ'Ë Analyzing the Chinese Market 4 2. IKEAââ¬â¢S OPERATION IN CHINA 5 ïÆ'Ë Challenges faced by IKEA in China 5 ïÆ'Ë Marketing strategy of IKEA in China 6 3. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS 7 4. INTERNAL ANALYSIS 8 ïÆ'Ë Value chain analysis- 8 ïÆ'Ë Capability analysis- 8 ïÆ'Ë SWOT Analysis 8 â⬠¢ Strengths 9 â⬠¢ Weakness 9 â⬠¢ Opportunities 10 â⬠¢ Threats 10 ïÆ'Ë PESTLE Analysis 10 ïÆ'Ë Porter Five Forces 12 5. Discussions/Conclusion 13 6. Reference 13 1. Introduction ïÆ'Ë History IKEA is a multinational group of companies, popular for its design and marketing of ready to assemble furniture, appliances and home accessories. It was established by Ingvar Kamprad in 1943 in Sweden. IKEA has derived its name from the initials of Ingvar Kamrad, Elmtaryd (farm where he was raised up) and Agunnaryd (his birthplace in South Sweden). Since January 2008, it is worldââ¬â¢s biggest furniture retailer. IKEA owns and operates 325 stores in different regions of the world and is well-known for its architectural eco-friendly designs, diversity in appliances and furniture (Inter IKEA System BV, 2009). It has become one of the worldââ¬â¢s largest home furnishing retailers (Jonson, 2008) has been ranked 44th in 2002 among top brands beating big brandShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Brand Image On Consumer Purchasing Decisions3224 Words à |à 13 Pagesthe key factor for customer loyalty. If the customer is loyal then it is the company that will benefit from him as he will bu ild a strong relation for others too. (Bergquist, 2013). The key factor of earning brand loyalty is customer satisfaction. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Bon-a-Matic Free Essays
Also, the firms that buy adhesive are often small firms and there appears to be no correlation with firm size and the amount of adhesive to buy, so devising a marketing plan with production numbers and targeting specific customers will be difficult. Although the systems division had designed both Bond-A-Matins, they doubted they had the capacity to quickly manufacture large quantities. Further, the systems division was worried that it would be overwhelmed with calls for help for the new dispenser. We will write a custom essay sample on Bon-a-Matic or any similar topic only for you Order Now If the company launched Bond-A-Mantic and could not then adequately service or provide the product, the companyââ¬â¢s brand would be tarnished. 72% of purchasers from distributors and manufacturers said that technical service was important in their choice of instant adhesive supplier. Also, the current sales force may not be as interested In learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as It does not traditionally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of selling the Bond-A-Mantic Is not cost effective so only existing customers can be targeted through the sales force. Further, they may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Metal or more importantly, it may get substituted. Should the product fall, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Metal may ruin the existing brand recognition. Also, Foxââ¬â¢s advertising target Is an Industry group that currently uses less than 273501b of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% In user establishments. And only 3% of users purchased directly from manufacturers and 2% of users purchased from distributors. So distributors would have to be convinced to stock Bond-A-Metal. Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Metal far outweigh the potential benefits. Bon-a-Mantic By sandalwood Also, the current sales force may not be as interested in learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as it does not traditionally sell equipment. But the bottom line is that a sales call for the sole purpose of selling the Bond-A-Mantic is not cost hey may not have the time during the call to push the Bond-A-Mantic or more importantly, it may get substituted. Should the product fail, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Mantic may ruin the existing brand Also, Foxââ¬â¢s advertising target is an industry group that currently uses less than 27,Bibb of adhesive with total growth potential about 15. 2-18% in user convinced to stock Bond-A-Mantic. Given the small size of the target market and revenue potential, the risks of launching the Bond-A-Mantic far outweigh the potential How to cite Bon-a-Matic, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Questionnaire on CSP Essay Example
Questionnaire on CSP Essay Questionnaire on CSP BY swati09061990 Questionnaire Dear respondent, As a part of MBA curriculum, I am conducting a study on . You are requested to please cooperate by providing relevant information. I assure you that information will be kept confidential and will be used for study purpose only. Thank you Name What is your occupation? Government employee Semi Government employee Working in MNC Other institutions and Corporate A. Do you have a salary account (CSP)? Yes No B. If yes, in which bank you are maintaining your salary account? SBI Bank sank Other nationalised banks Deutsche Bank Axis Bank Other C. Why you opted a particular bank for opening salary account ? My hr department told me to open in a particular banks branch Already maintained account before joining the service Bank/branch is nearer to my office Bank/branch approached me to open an account D. Does your bank provide you zero balance facility? E. Does your bank provide you an overdraft facility through your salary account? If yes, than for how much time 1 month 2 month 3 montn According to the requirement F. Is there any facility of maintaining the same account number even if you have ransferred your account to any other branch? G. What is the maximum cash withdrawal per day from your ATM? 100000 H. If applied for Car/Housing loan, what were the rates of EMI provided? Did you find High Low l. Do you have free internet banking? J. Have your bank provided you any free insurance facility with your salary account? K. Do you have free mobile banking? L. How would you rate the overall quality of your relationship with SBI for CSP considering all of your experiences with them? We will write a custom essay sample on Questionnaire on CSP specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Questionnaire on CSP specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Questionnaire on CSP specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Would you say it is? Very Good Fair Poor M. In the case of suitability of CSP, which bank would you prefer? ICICI Others (Name N. Do you feel that your bank/branch gives you more attention than any other customer? Yes Hasnt felt the difference O. Are you aware about all the advantages of your CSP account? Yes P. Do you have any instrument/card/pass book/cheque book etc. which indicates that you have CSP account (privileged that you have more powerful account than any other account) Yes Have not recognised the difference Q. Transacting through net banking/ATM , have you observed that your bank gives ou special attention/welcome for maintaining CSP? Yes No answer R. Are you getting concession from your bank in any credit facility? Yes On Demand S. Which advantage of your salary account you rate on top ? Credit facility Services Concessions T. And, in case of long term which bank would you choose? otners (Name U. Do you agree with the after services provided by SBI for CSP are best as compared to other banks? Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree V. Which bank would you recommend to your corporate friends for CSP? ICICI THANKYOU
Thursday, March 19, 2020
The new deal essays
The new deal essays Although it wasnt intended to, the New Deal did slightly modify American business, but in a way that preserved and safeguarded United States business affairs. Roosevelts New Deal reopened banks and gave jobs to the unemployed. Not only that, but it also paved the way for nearly two decades of Roosevelt as president. After the Stock Market crashed due to overproduction by farmers and buying on margin, Roosevelt came up with ways to prevent another similar disaster. His Alphabet Soup Agencies had many different purposes, but they all were intended to bring the United States out of the Great Depression. To provide relief for the unemployed, Roosevelt introduced the Federal Emergency Recovery Administration (FERA). The FERA spent federal funds to prevent people from starving until other forms of recovery relief took hold. Over the programs two-year existence, the FERA spent over $1 billion. In order to protect against agricultural overproduction, Roosevelt introduced the Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA). This program established a system to provide cash subsidies to farmers who cut their production of the seven major commodities: wheat, cotton, corn hogs, rice, tobacco, and dairy products. This policy continues today. Although the AAA balanced the economy, the benefits it created were distributed unevenly. Subsidies were given mainly to the owners of large- and medium-size farms whom frequently cut production by reducing the acreage of their tenants and renters instead of their own. After so many banks had closed, Roosevelt introduced the Emergency Banking Act, which, in turn, created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The FDIC protected peoples deposits of up to $2,500. Another act also created the Civilian Conservation Corps, which sent 250,000 young men to do conservation and reforestation work. All in all, Roosevelts brainchildren had a profound ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
3 Expert Tips for Using the Unit Circle
3 Expert Tips for Using the Unit Circle SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If youââ¬â¢re studying trig or calculus- or getting ready to- youââ¬â¢ll need to get familiar with the unit circle. The unit circle isan essential tool used to solve for the sine, cosine, and tangent of an angle. But how does it work? And what information do you need to know in order to use it? In this article, we explain what the unit circle is and why you should know it. We also give you three tips to help you remember how to use the unit circle.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
State about your story Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
State about your story - Assignment Example Unlike many other subjects, mathematics is among the subjects that find application in almost all areas of life. As a student interested in a career involving mathematics, I find it necessary to pursue mathematics major in country where mathematics is a flourishing field of research. The skills and knowledge one acquires by studying mathematics apply to all aspects of life, and are not just limited to the career chosen. I believe that by studying mathematics, I have the chance to grow into a competent individual who can contribute positively to the society. In addition, studying in the United States gives me an opportunity to interact with students from different backgrounds. This is important for my development not only as a mathematician but also as a social being. Given that I have an ambition to work in the insurance field, I believe that taking mathematics major will prepare me adequately to work in this sector. One of the skills acquired through the study of mathematics is data acquisition and analysis. This is an example of the skills that can be applied in the field of insurance and finance. By solving mathematics problems, I will develop analytical skills that help grow my mind and thinking processes. Mathematics will enhance my ability to pay attention to detail, and this will be important for my future career in the insurance field. As an analyst, the knowledge acquired through the study of mathematics will be critical. Analysts are required to analyze large volumes of data, and make conclusions and decisions based on this data. By studying mathematics, I will gain the necessary knowledge and skills to become an analyst in future. Mathematics is a subject that mainly involves numbers and figures, and understanding how they are applied. For example, as an analyst, I need skills such as linear regression in order to effectively analyze financial data. Mathematics major provides the necessary foundation for acquiring such skills and also
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Malden Mills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Malden Mills - Essay Example The organization faced most precarious conditions like bankruptcy and encountered considerable amount of destruction caused due to the onset of fire. The jobs of 3000 employees of the organization were at stake. But surprisingly the Aaron did not resolved to any means of employee termination rather he spent millions on the all 3000 employees and kept them on payroll for a period of three months. The result of such a step infused loyalty within the employees and the resultant production after the onset of work was much higher than the production before. This act of him prevented thousands of employees in losing their jobs and proved Aaron Feuersteinââ¬â¢s worth as a true leader. (Leung) He held the view of treating his employees as an asset and reflected his responsibility towards the society. He was able to think beyond the profitability and broadened his idea to deliver the best for the community by staying with the employees during such critical conditions. Aaron Feuerstein had the courage and conviction to reflect on the appropriate action and had set high values for the leaders of all the organizations to behave rationally and to implement decisions considering all the associated factors. The determination and the leadership skill as exhibited by Aaron Feuerstein is a heroic achievement. Malden mill used to operate in a 300 year old mill town. The mill went into bankruptcy in the year 1981. In order to prevent the mill from going into bankruptcy the organization could have taken some precautionary steps. The mill could have hired a budgetary advisor who could have limited the spending of the mill in comparison o the earnings. Budgetary advisor would also have provided with planning and ideas to save money by reducing unnecessary cost and other expenses. In order to pay back the debt to the creditors the mill could have sold some assets which are not in use in a great deal and this could
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Dualits Marketing Strategy Analysis
Dualits Marketing Strategy Analysis Over the next three years the market for kitchen products and appliances is expected to grow by up to 17.6% (Datamonitor, 2009). This growing market makes it the ideal time to be the manufacturer of these goods.à Consumers of these goods are looking for products which are both stylish and built to last.à Dualit has created a product with has incorporated both these key elements; the Dualit NewGen toaster. Dualit is a British company which designs and manufactures toasters and other kitchen appliances.à Founded in the early 1940s (Dualit, 2010), Dualit is portrayed as a company which offers high quality and well-engineered products. The first Dualit toaster to be made with a timer and manual eject button was created in 1952 and ever since Dualit has continued to produce toasters based on the original design (Dualit, 2010). In this essay Dualits marketing strategy will be assessed using the 4Ps framework.à This framework allows product, place, price and promotion to be considered (Marketing Teacher, 2010).à As well as looking at the companys marketing mix, their targeting, positioning and segmentation will also be evaluated.à By considering all of these aspects, alternatives can be suggested on how Dualit can improve their strategy.à All the information used for this essay will come from secondary sources. Dualit want to be considered as a company which offer high quality products which are superior to their competitors (Dualit, 2010).à This is illustrated in the way in which they target their customers.à Dualit use a differentiated marketing strategy to target their consumers.à Using a differentiated marketing strategy allows them to target several markets and design a separate offering for each market (Armstrong et al, 2009).à Products which use a differentiated strategy tend to be valued by customers and customers perceive the product to be better than or different from products of the competition.à Also, according to Michel Porters model if a company has a corporate reputation for quality and innovation like Dualit does, then they will usually use a differentiated strategy (QuickMBA, 2010). Dualit segment their market using psycographic segmentation, this allows Dualit to divide its buyers into different groups based on social class, lifestyle or personality characteristics (QuickMBA, 2010).à Dualits 2 slice NewGen toaster will appeal to people with a high disposable income that will pay a lot to get a stylish product like the NewGen toaster but who also care about the environment, as the NewGen has a control which allows only one slot to be heated.à Whereas, the 4 slice NewGen toaster appeals more to the commercial users such as cafes and restaurants, who might need to make several slices at any one time.à By targeting more than one target market it allows Dualit to increase its market share. After considering their target market and deciding how to segment them, Dualit can then consider all aspects of their marketing mix and how the different aspects work together. Dualits NewGen toaster can be split into three product levels.à These three levels are the core product, the actual product and the augmented product.à The core product is the benefits the customer will receive (Kotler et al, 2008).à Buyers of the NewGen toaster range will benefit from a product which makes toast but at the same time is compact and stylish and comes in over ten colours meaning it will complement almost any kitchen.à The core benefits are offered through the components that make up the actual product (Armstrong et al, 2009). The actual product includes styling, features and design.à The extra wide slots on the NewGen toaster that allow for nearly every type of bread to be toasted can be seen as a core benefit.à The augmented product is built around the core benefits and the actual product by offering additional customer service (Armstrong et al, 2009).à Dualit offer a two year guarantee on the elements in the toaster and a one year guarantee on al l other parts.à Customers are also given a users guild to allow them to see other ways to use their toaster, this guide is also available from their website.à The Dualit NewGen toaster also has replaceable parts meaning that if it breaks it doesnt need to be thrown out, it can be fixed.à This means it will last significantly longer than any other toaster. There is no obvious improvement that Dualit could make to the NewGen toaster as it has more features than every other toaster currently on the market. Dualit make some of the most expensive kitchen appliances on the market.à The NewGen toaster ranges in price from à £135 to à £195 depending on the size of the toaster and how it is finished (John Lewis, 2010).à Dualit appear to use two pricing strategies.à They appear to use product line pricing, where a company prices different models within a range at different prices (Armstrong et al, 2009).à It is more expensive for a 4 slice NewGen toaster than it is for a 2 slice NewGen toaster; this is a perfect example of product line pricing.à However, Dualit also appear to use value based pricing as a way of pricing their range, whereby buyers perceptions, not the sellers costs are key to pricing (Armstrong et al, 2009). Dualits toaster may be highly priced but the consumers perception is that the high price means it is high quality.à Unfortunately for Dualit many of its competitors offer a similar product in a similar style for a fraction of the price that is sold by t he same retailer.à Although they dont have as many features as the NewGen toaster, they still do the same job so potential customers may feel it is unnecessary to buy a toaster that costs à £135 and purchase a rival toaster instead.à Dualit may need to consider lowering their prices if it begins to affect them in the future.à The Dualit NewGen toaster hasnt been highly publicised.à The only advertising that Dualit does for the range is on their own website.à Any other advertising is mostly done by the individual retailers that sell the product.à John Lewis currently offer a five year guarantee with all NewGen toasters, this may act as an incentive to potential customers as they feel they are getting more for their money and their product is protected longer.à Dualits lack of advertising may be a way to reduce costs but in the long run it could cost them potential customers.à The NewGen toaster is currently sold out on one of its main retailers website so their lack of advertising doesnt currently seem to be affecting their sales but in the future it could, so to increase publicity Dualit may consider taking part in a joint advertising campaign with a premium bread company such a Warburtons or Hovis, which are both popular brands.à This would allow Dualit to target a wider market which ma y, as a result increase their market share. Dualit currently sell their product on their own website and through high end retailers such as John Lewis and House of Frasers, which are as reputable but expensive department stores.à This enhances Dualits image of being manufacturers of high quality products.à Department stores carry a wide range of product lines (Armstrong et al, 2009) which can attract a larger range of customers, so by selling their product they may increase their market share.à Dualit may want to appeal to a larger target market.à They could do this by selling their products in large supermarkets such as Tesco or Asda because thousands of people go to these shops every day.à Although this would allow them to reach a larger target marker, it may put off existing customers as they may feel that it takes away from the brands high end reputation.à If Dualit did consider this they would have to decide if they would rather gain new customers or risk losing existing customers. After having analysed all the aspects of Dualits marketing mix, it can be seen that although there are a few improvements which they could make to their marketing strategy such as more advertising or vary where they sell the products overall their current marketing strategy is working well as their products are sold out on retailers websites.à With the market for kitchen appliances set to largely increase, Dualit may have to consider altering their marketing if they wish to dominate more of this increasing market.à If Dualit do decide to change their marketing strategy in the future it should be for the better as long as they continue to make high quality products that out perform their rivals. References Armstrong, G.; Kotler, P.; Harker, M. Brennan, R. (2009) Marketing An Introduction. 8th Ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Dualit (2010) Dualit Our History. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2010). John Lewis (2010) Search Results NewGen. Available at: (Accessed: 13 February 2010). Kotler,P.; Armstrong, G.; Wong,V. Saunders, J. (2008) Principles of Marketing. 5th Ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Marketing Teacher (2010) Marketing Mix. Available at: (Accessed: 11 February 2010). QuickMBA (2010) Market Segmentation. Available at: (Accessed: 12 February 2010). Datamonitor (2009) Kitchen Appliances Global Industry Guide, Special Report, London, The Data Monitor Group
Friday, January 17, 2020
Health Care Financial Terms Week One Essay
Controlling is the practice that managers use to ensure that the company plans and goals are being attained. By comparing report to each other areas that are working and succeeding are defined and the areas where problems are occurring can be addressed and corrected (Baker & Baker, 2011). A manager has four different, lets say teamsâ⬠that report to this manager. Controlling would be when team A, B, C, and D submit the teamsââ¬â¢ financial report to the manager. The manager would review all four teams to ensure the teams are meeting the financial goals. So, in this scenario Team A, B, and C is on target and meeting the goals. However, Team D has not met the goals. The manager needs to review the team Dââ¬â¢s progress determine where the problem is, such as cutting cost, the resource allocation, operating procedure, or other issues. Without controlling the teams and reviewing progress, other area will suffer. Decision making Decision making is management making informed decisions based on all information that accomplishes the companyââ¬â¢s goals (Baker & Baker, 2011). The company is making a decision on purchasing electronic medical records. The financial reports will inform management of the financial status on the company and the amount of money they can budget for the purchase of this the EMR. Organizing Organizing is a term for companies to decide how to use resources for the best outcome for the company (Baker & Baker, 2011). A manager is given a certain amount of revenue and the manager decides where the money is allocated for the department to accomplish the goals set by the company. Planning To succeed, companies need corporate goals. Planning is identifying the goals and resources. Laying out the steps by using the resources to accomplish those goals (Baker & Baker, 2011). A manager has a specific project to install and to perform the primary function of the project. The manager works out a step by step plan from the beginning to the end of implementing the project until the project is complete and accomplishes the goal. Original records When a transaction is recorded into a journal or ledger this becomes the original records (Baker & Baker, 2011). A patient makes a payment of $100. This payment is entered into the patientââ¬â¢s file and payment history. This entry is an original record in the companyââ¬â¢s income ledger. Reference: Baker, J. J., & Baker, R. W. (2011). Health Care Finance Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers, LLC.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Security Policy Framework For Creating A Security Program
All organizations should have an effective IT security policy framework to creating a security program to meet the needs of the organization to protect information and their information systems. There are many security frameworks that can be used to design an IT security program such as NIST and COBIT being a few. It is very important to establishing compliance of IT security controls with U.S. laws and regulation. The organization can align the policies and controls with the regulations. There are seven domain in the framework and each have their own challenges. There are issues and challenges with implementing a security policy framework and ways to overcome these problems. The IT policy framework is made of policies, standards, baselines, procedures and guidelines to help protect information systems of the organization. There are several frameworks that can be used and three of them stand out as more widely used are Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) , ISO/EIC 27000 series and National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publications. If an organization does business with internationally, they may want to look into the ISO/EIC 27000 framework. According to Johnson (2011), there are 12 areas of the ISO/EIC 27000 which are risk assessments and treatment, security policy, organization of information security, asset management, human resources security, physical and environmental security, communication and operationsShow MoreRelatedIT Security Policy Framework Essay837 Words à |à 4 PagesEstablishing an effective Information Technology Security Policy Framework is critical in the development of a comprehensive security program. The purpose of the Information Security Policy Framework is to insure your organization will be able to provide the minimum security level necessary to maintain confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information it collects and uses. The ISO/IEC 27000-series consist of information security standards published jointly by the InternationalRead MoreInformation Security In Zanziabar Public Sector1465 Words à |à 6 PagesThe information security challenges faced in Zanzibar are persistent in transitional countries as could be seen in the case study ââ¬Å"state of Information Security in Zanzibarââ¬â¢s public sectorâ⬠(Shaaban, et al., 2012). Most of these challenges are partly attributed to lack of proper budgeting for ICT infrastructures, cultural gap awareness, political instability, trust, business continuity plan, and inadequate human resource management to effectively manage this technology (Dada, 2006). The applicationRead MoreAssessment of the Scada, Stuxnet Worm on US and Global Infrastructures1598 Words à |à 6 Pagesspecific devices and programmable controllers down to the manufacturer and operational block level (Network Security, 2010). The Stuxnet worm is widely believed to be designed to quickly navigate the Microsoft-based platform of the Iranian Bushehr reactor and disable it from operating, as this nation is widely believed to be using the reactor to produce uranium for their weapons program (Network Security, 2010). The stealth-like nature and speed of the Stuxnet worm has also been problematic to catch evenRead MoreFederal Information Security Management Act1396 Words à |à 6 PagesAbstract Itââ¬â¢s always important to defend our information from an unauthorized access. To support this, United States enacted a federal law for Information Security in 2002, called FISMA. FISMA stands for Federal Information Security Management Act. 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It helps companies enforce the desirable behavior, in creating, using, managing and most importantly leading corporate decision makers with respect to information. Information governance is application policy to all information in an organization from its inception, creation to its final disposition. It hasRead MoreKenya And The Kenyan Police Force1674 Words à |à 7 Pagesmassive number of Muslim youths to continue getting radicalized. Considering the awareness of coastal communities about the role of Kenyan government about socio-economic deprivation, the local institutions are always incapacitated to address their security, employment, and education needs. This provides the violent extremists with opportunities to capitalize on the feelings of marginalization and hopelessness among the local communities, resulting in radicalization. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Macroeconomics Essay on Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
A. Fracking technology matures and significantly reduces the costs of producing oil and natural gas. First of all, the fact that the overall costs of producing oil and natural gas will be reduced, then companies will be able to produce more for the same costs or increase their profit margins. At higher aggregate supply, the price is likely to decrease, compensating the fact that the companies have reduced their costs and allowing them to produce at the same level for similar prices. Aggregate demand will also increase, mainly because the products and services that are associated with oil and natural gas will become more affordable. As aggregate demand increases, the price will also likely increase in the short-term, at least until aggregate supply and demand regulate themselves at a new level. Ideally, however, new technologies will make oil and natural gas more affordable, which would lower the overall price of products and services, since costs, including transportation costs, are lower. B. The European Union disbands and individual European countries enact large tariffs on the importation of American goods. There are several elements to be discussed about this event. First, the European Union is a customs union, in the sense that all the member countries enact the same tariff on a particular import of goods from the United States. This means that imports from the US of a particular good has a tariff that ranges from 0 % to higher levels. Disbanding means mainlyShow MoreRelatedBusiness Cycles Macro Economic Conditions And Its Impact Towards The Country1396 Words à |à 6 Pages Economics for Business Essay Question Lecture Name - Maruf Mostafa Student Name - Wastu Kankanamalage Gayani Chathurangi Maithripala Student ID ââ¬â 11621711 Word Count ââ¬â 1000 Introduction This essay will mainly focus, discussing business cycles in macro-economic conditions and their impact towards the country. The first part of the essay will describe different economic conditions within the macro-economic such as an economy boom and recession. The argument will bring out some definitionsRead More Expansionary Monetary Policy Essays1494 Words à |à 6 Pagesof income tax leads to higher aggregate demand and an increase in equilibrium income and output. In this essay I will examine the factors that are important in determining the macroeconomic effects should such a policy be installed by Gordon Brown (Chancellor of the Exchequer), and I will comment on any suggestions I may have for Gordon Brown in the preparation of his next budget with a brief description on the assumptions that my advice is based. Macroeconomic Goals Firstly I wouldRead More U.K. Economy Essay1546 Words à |à 7 Pagesgovernment currently has four main macroeconomic aims that it is pursuing. These aims are those of low unemployment, low inflation, and high and stable economic growth as well as a favourable balance of payments current account position. This essay will concentrate on the governmentââ¬â¢s success in the first three of its aims listed above and how these macroeconomic aims can or have been achieved using fiscal and monetary policy. Fiscal policy is used to affect aggregate demand by altering taxation andRead MoreMeg Guild . Mr.Bare . 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